Propack Sales Company

Welcome to Propack, your trusted partner in the food packaging and product inspection industry for four decades. As a family-owned and operated company, we take immense pride in our long-standing commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. Since our inception in 1984, we have grown, evolved, and adapted to meet the ever-changing needs of the food industry. Today, we stand as a beacon of reliability, innovation, and quality, serving a diverse range of clients with the same passion and dedication that our founders instilled in us from the very beginning. Join us as we take you on a journey through our rich history, unwavering values, and the cutting-edge solutions that have made us an industry leader for over 40 years.

More about our Company

Our Expertise is in Product Inspection and Packaging Equipment for the food industry. 


Case Sealers

Case Packers

Shrink Systems

Metal Detection

Case Erectors



How We Work

We are a team of professionals dedicated to consulting with our clients to provide the best solution for each specific application


The Comprehensive Sales Process: From Site Visit to After Sales Support

In the world of sales, success hinges not only on persuading potential clients to buy your product but also on providing them with the support and solutions they need, even after the deal is closed. A well-structured sales process encompasses a series of crucial steps that guide both the salesperson and the customer towards a mutually beneficial outcome. Here is our typical sales process that includes five essential stages: Site Visit, Product Testing, Proposal Creation, Project Management, and After Sales Support.

1. Site Visit:

The sales process begins with a site visit. It is the first real interaction between the sales person and the prospective customer. During this phase, the Propack sales person gains valuable insights into the client’s needs, expectations, and pain points. This face-to-face interaction allows for a deeper understanding of the client’s environment, challenges, and objectives.

For food packaging and product inspection, the site visit usually involves touring the client’s facility to assess their existing equipment and processes. This step allows the Propack representative to make informed recommendations tailored to the client’s specific requirements based on their experience.

2. Product Testing:

Once the site visit is complete and the representative understands the client’s needs, product testing may come into play. This stage is crucial for ensuring that the proposed solution aligns with the client’s expectations. 

Product testing allows clients to see firsthand how the proposed solution can address their challenges and improve their operations. It builds confidence in the product and helps the client make an informed decision.

3. Proposal Creation:

With a comprehensive understanding of the client’s needs and successful product testing, the next step is the creation of a tailored proposal. This document outlines the proposed solution, its benefits, pricing, and terms. It will be be clear, concise, and compelling. The proposal serves as a roadmap for the client, providing them with all the necessary information to make an informed decision.

Our proposals detail the specific equipment or systems recommended, their cost, normally the expected ROI, and any other relevant terms and conditions.

4. Project Management:

Once the proposal is accepted and the deal is closed, the project management phase begins. This stage is pivotal in ensuring the smooth implementation of the proposed solution.

Project management serves as a bridge between the sales and delivery teams, ensuring that what was promised during the sales process is delivered effectively.

5. After Sales Support:

The final stage of the sales process is often the most overlooked but is our primary focus and most important to us. After sales support involves providing ongoing assistance, maintenance, and support to the client. It ensures that the client’s investment continues to deliver value and meets their evolving needs.

This will typically encompass regular equipment maintenance, technical support, and access to software updates. For us, It’s about being a trusted partner that is there to address any issues, answer questions, and help the client maximize the benefits of their investment.

By understanding and addressing our client’s needs at each stage, they can not only secure the new equipment but be sure that they’ll have a team by their side for duration of equipment ownership.